580 Crandon Blvd

Key Biscayne, FL 33149

(305) 365-7770

Call for any inquiries

Open Mon - Fri

From 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM

Patient Info

Guide to Surgery

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. This includes no coffee, chewing gum, mints, etc. Refrain from smoking. Smoking severely impairs your ability to heal from surgery and significantly increases your chances of having complications. Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before surgery. Take a bath or a shower both the evening prior and the morning of surgery to reduce the chance of infection.

If you experience any health changes between the last time you were seen by your physician and the surgery date, or if there is any possibility of pregnancy, notify your physician before your surgery day. If you are taking any of the following medications, ask your physician if you need to stop them prior to surgery. However, you should not stop taking any medication without prior approval from your physician. Below is a standard guideline of medications that need to be stopped:

  • Coumadin & Plavix five (5) days before
  • Aspirin seven (7) days before
  • Glucophage, or any other diabetes medication; please contact your prescribing physician to discuss the need to be off diabetes medicines until treatment is over.

Things to Remember

Make arrangements with a responsible adult companion to drive you home after surgery and stay with you for 12 to 24 hours following surgery. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat shoes. You will be provided a gown for surgery. Bring storage cases for glasses or contacts. Dentures may need to be removed as well.

Do not wear jewelry or valuable items. Personal items are stored for safe keeping during surgery. Bring insurance cars, picture ID, and a list of medications and allergies. Arrive at Key Biscayne Surgery Center one (1) Hour prior to your appointment time to allow time for your paperwork and pre-op. Arriving late may bump your surgery time back or necessitate rescheduling.

Post-Surgical Information

  • Schedule a follow-up appointment with your surgeon
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Notify your surgeon if you notice any abnormalities at the operative site
  • Do not drive or sign any legal documents 24 hours after anesthesia
  • Take the prescribed medications as instructed
  • Unless specifically instructed to, do not remove the dressing, and keep it clean and dry

Patient's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

The staff of this health care facility recognizes you have rights while a patient receiving medical care. In return, there are responsibilities for certain behavior on your part as the patient. This statement of rights and responsibilities is posted in our facility in at least one location that is used by all patients.

Your rights and responsibilities include:

  • Receive information about rights, patient conduct and responsibilities in a language and manner the patient, patient representative or surrogate can understand.
  • Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity.
  • Be provided appropriate personal privacy.
  • Have disclosures and records treated confidentially and be given the opportunity to approve or refuse record release except when release is required by law.
  • Be given the opportunity to participate in decisions involving their health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
  • Receive care in a safe setting.
  • Be free from all forms of abuse, neglect, or harassment.
  • Exercise his or her rights without being subject to discrimination or reprisal with impartial access to medical treatment or accommodations, regardless of race, national origin, religion, physical disability, or source of payment.
  • Voice complaints and grievances, without reprisal.
  • Be provided, to the degree known, complete information concerning diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and know who is providing services and who is responsible for the care. When the patient’s medical condition makes it inadvisable or impossible, the information is provided to a person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized person.
  • Exercise of rights and respect for property and persons, including the right to
    • Voice grievances regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished.
    • Have a person appointed under State law to act on the patient’s behalf if the patient is adjudged
    • Have a person appointed under State law to act on the patient’s behalf if the patient is adjudged incompetent under applicable State health and safety laws by a court of proper jurisdiction. If a State court has not adjudged a patient incompetent, any legal representative designated by the patient in accordance with State law may exercise the patient’s rights to the extent allowed by State law.
  • Refuse treatment to extent permitted by law and be informed of medical consequences of this action.
  • Know if medical treatment is for purposes of experimental research and to give his consent or refusal to participate in such experimental research.
  • Have the right to change primary or specialty physicians or dentists if other qualified physicians or dentists are available.
  • A prompt and reasonable response to questions and requests.
  • Know what patient support services are available, including whether an interpreter is available if he or she does not speak English.
  • Receive, upon request, prior to treatment, a reasonable estimate of charges for medical care and know, upon request and prior to treatment, whether the facility accepts the Medicare assignment rate.
  • Receive a copy of a reasonably clear and understandable, itemized bill and, upon request, to have charges explained.
  • Formulate advance directives and to appoint a surrogate to make health care decisions on his/her behalf to the extent permitted by law and provide a copy to the facility for placement in his/her medical record.
  • Know the facility policy on advance directives.
  • Be informed of the names of physicians who have ownership in the facility.

Have properly credentialed and qualified healthcare professionals providing patient care.

A patient, patient representative or surrogate is responsible for

  • Providing a responsible adult to transport him/her home from the facility and remain with him/her for 24 hours, unless specifically exempted from this responsibility by his/her provider.
  • Providing to the best of his or her knowledge, accurate and complete information about his/her health, present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, any medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, any allergies or sensitivities, and other matters relating to his or her health.
  • Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by his/her insurance.
  • Following the treatment plan recommended by his health care provider.
  • Be respectful of all the health providers and staff, as well as other patients.
  • Providing a copy of information that you desire us to know about a durable power of attorney, health care surrogate, or other advance directive.
  • His/her actions if he/she refuses treatment or does not follow the health care provider’s instructions.
  • Reporting unexpected changes in his or her condition to the health care provider.
  • Reporting to his health care provider whether he or she comprehends a contemplated course of action and what is expected of him or her.
  • Keeping appointments.


Please contact us if you have a question or concern about your rights or responsibilities. You can ask any of our staff to help you contact the Administrative Director at the surgery center. Or, you can call 305-365-7770.

We want to provide you with excellent service, including answering your questions and responding to your concerns.

You may also choose to contact the licensing agency of the state,

Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32308

If you are covered by Medicare, you may choose to contact the Medicare Ombudsman at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or online at https://www.cms.gov/center/special-topic/ombudsman/medicare-beneficiary-ombudsman-home. The role of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman is to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries receive the information and help you need to understand your Medicare options and to apply your Medicare rights and protections.

Privacy Notice

Notice of Non Discrimination

Patient Rights Under Florida Transparency Act of 2016

Patient Rights Under Florida Transparency Act of 2016

ASC Surgery Center schedules patient care when your physician schedules a procedure for you at this surgery center. The facility has one fee that covers the following items: Nursing, technician and related services; use of the facility; testing for certain lab tests performed at the surgery center just as glucose (blood sugar), pregnancy, and hemoglobin; medications administered before, during and after your surgery while in the facility; surgical supplies used by the physician and staff; equipment used in the facility; surgical dressings; implants except those specifically classified as premium implants that require additional patient payment.

Separate Providers

Services may be provided in this facility by the facility as well as by other health care providers who may separately bill the patient. Those separate health care providers may or may not participate with the same health insurers or health maintenance organizations (HMOs) as this facility. Patients and prospective patients should contact each health care provider who will provide services in the facility to determine the health insurers and HMOs with which the provider participates as a network provider or preferred provider.

Another health care provider who will bill you for services includes your physician performing the procedure. Other providers who will bill separately if they provide you with health care services in this surgery center include an anesthesia provider who delivers anesthesia services to you at the facility and a pathology provider and laboratory which will analyze tissue your physician may require be sent to the laboratory to diagnose your condition.

You can contact the facility’s anesthesia providers about whether they participate in your health plan. The anesthesia providers are:

Name of anesthesia provider group:

Key Anesthesia, LLC

Mailing address:

7300 N. Kendall Drive – Miami, Fl 33156

Telephone number:

(786) 270-3990

We may be required to send tissue for analysis by a pathology lab contracted with your health plan. Your insurer’s provider network information may include the pathology lab in the insurer’s network of providers. You may want to check with your insurer. Or, you can contact the laboratory directly about whether they participate in your health plan.

The pathology labs we send tissue to for analysis include:

Name of Pathology:

Lab Corp



Telephone number:

(800) 877-7831


Name of Pathology:




Telephone number:

1-(800) 697-9302

Estimate of Charges

Patient or prospective patients may request from this facility and other health care providers an estimate of charges prior to receiving services. We must respond to you within seven days of your request.
Our estimate will be based upon the procedure your physician tells us that he or she plans to perform and the insurance information that you provide to us. We normally will contact your insurer to learn of your eligibility for the procedure and will then base our estimate upon what the insurer tells us about the payment they will make for the procedure. The procedure your physician actually performs may differ from the initial one planned based upon your medical condition at the time of the procedure. Since we cannot forecast the change, the estimate will be based upon the planned procedure as scheduled by your physician.
You may pay less or more for this procedure or service at another facility or in another health care setting.

Patients may access the State of Florida’s Agency for Healthcare Administration website for more information about the facility: Florida Health Finder

Information on payments made to the facility for defined bundles of services and procedures is available here: Florida Health Finder – Pricing. 

The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services. Actual costs will be based on services actually provided to the patient.


Financial Assistance Arrangements

We only schedule procedures at this facility by physicians who are on the medical staff at the facility. If your physician has determined that special financial assistance may be warranted and the physician agrees to those special financial arrangements for his or her services, you may be eligible to obtain financial assistance through Care Credit, by completing their application process which includes information about your income and expenses and receiving approval. Please contact our facility for further assistance.


Prior to your scheduled procedure, we will contact you with the results of the verification of your insurance benefits to advise of your insurance deductible and co-payment amounts that will be due from you prior to your surgery. We expect the amount estimate due to be paid on the day of your surgery when you register at our admission desk, unless previous arrangements with our billing office have been made.
If you need special consideration for payment of the amount due, you must contact us prior to the date of the planned procedure so we can evaluate your eligibility.
If we received denial of payment from your insurer or Health Maintenance Organization, we will notify you. If we receive payment from your insurer or HMO that is less than projected, we will notify you of additional payment due. Payment will be expected within 15 days of notification of the balance due. Failure to pay the balance due by the deadline will result in your account being turned over to a collection agency.
If you have notified us in advance that you have no insurance and will pay cash for your procedure, you may be eligible to receive a discount off the usual charge for payment of your estimated charges in advance of the scheduled procedure. You must attest that you have no insurance and you must pay the full estimated charges in advance. If the procedure performed by your physician differs from the one scheduled, you may owe the difference between the scheduled procedure and the actual procedure performed. The balance, if any, will be due within 15 days. Failure to pay the balance will result in the discount arrangement being null and void and a full payment will be due.


Key Biscayne Surgery Center will bill your insurance company unless noted otherwise. Co-pay or Co-insurance amounts are due prior to surgery day. For services not covered by insurance or if you have no insurance, the Surgical Center payments are due prior to surgery. The Surgical Center fee is global for the facility. The Surgical Center fee does not include the following:

The surgeon’s fees, the fees of the assistant surgeon, of the anesthesiologist and that of other specialists who got involved in your care during surgery. Special supplies, implants, equipment and/or drugs not specified in the initial evaluation.

Billing Grievances

To file a grievance regarding your bill please get in touch with the Surgery Collect billing office at 786-322-3252.